
The solution is hosted on the Microsoft Azure Platform, which provides the highest uptime, scalability and security available today.


Certificate & Protocols

The system is running TLS version 1.2 between the customer environment and the Microsoft Azure environment and again between the Microsoft Azure environment and the external GDS’ and other data provider’s respective environments. The certificate is RSA2048 bits. The following is a publicly acknowledged vulnerability scan, which has been run on the solution.


The highest possible rating is A+. The above is consistent with the results of the vulnerability scans performed by our external partner.

Mobile Enabling & Apps

Mobile enabled solutions is a modern approach to secure that the solution can be used seamlessly on web, smartphones and tablets. You can also get agency branded container apps for Android and IOS if needed.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

The Single Sign-On module is SAML 2.0 based and can be accessed via e.g. Microsoft Azure SSO, Google SSO, Feide and any other SSO solution adhering to this standard. After validation of a user through the customer’s Active Directory the solution will either find the connected profile or create a new, if the user has not logged on before. This makes the user access easy and furthermore secures, for larger corporations, that user data does not need to be synchronized via file transfer.

GDS & Migration

The corporate solution is integrated to both Amadeus and Galileo and can within one agency be running both GDS’ simultaneously.
Without any downtime or noticeable difference for the customer a seamless GDS Migration can be done overnight from either Amadeus to Galileo or vice versa. This empowers the agency to freely choose GDS without any consequences for their customers.

New Versions, Releases & Hotfixes

New versions, releases and eventual hotfixes are installed without any need for a service window. This secures that eventual hotfixes can be installed within business hours, without any downtime for the customer. New versions and releases are always installed out of normal business hours.
